
Meet the 1 Percenters Finding Solace in Redistribution
Young people with wealth are organizing the resources of their peers and families to level the playing field.

Economic Update: Capitalism vs. Democratic Socialism
This episode provides updates on Canada's election results, and more.

Paul Krugman | Should We Be Worried About China?
China is clearly in economic trouble.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The GOP’s Effort to Demonize the Poor Is Costing Taxpayers, and More
Drug testing welfare recipients has done nothing except disprove decades of Republican talking points.

Puerto Rico’s Debt Crisis: Greece Isn’t Alone in Struggling Against Austerity
Deborah Berman-Santana speaks about the economic crisis in Puerto Rico, its colonial roots and its similarities to the Greek crisis.

History of the Bank for International Settlements
The Bank for International Settlements is an organization shrouded in mystery.

Economic Update: Co-ops vs. Capitalism
This episode provides updates on a looming economic downturn, and more.

Getting the Export-Import Bank to Pay Dividends
If we have to give handouts to big corporations, it seems reasonable to put some conditions on the cash.

Economic Update: Capitalism’s Crimes
This episode provides updates on Planned Parenthood, and more.

“NAFTA on Steroids”: Consumer Groups Slam the TPP as 12 Nations Agree to Trade Accord
Congress will have at least 90 days to review the TPP before President Obama can sign it.