
On Nuclear Disarmament, It’s Still “You First“
United Nations - Is the ongoing controversy over Iran's nuclear programme helping to advance the United Nations' agenda on nuclear disarmament? To a number of diplomats and experts who …

Goldman Takes on New Role: Taking Away People’s Homes
San Jose, California - When California wildfires ruined their jewelry business, Tony Becker and his wife fell months behind on their mortgage payments and experienced firsthand the perils of …

Stimulus and Jobs: We Can Do Better
The Obama administration came out with its first set of numbers on the jobs impact of its stimulus package. It's pretty much along the lines of what was predicted. …

Ellsberg: Obama Fears Military Revolt
Ellsberg: Leaked Pentagon Papers from Vietnam give clues to why Obama will most likely grant military requests to send more troops to Afghanistan. Paul Jay, senior producer of …

TARP on Steroids
I recall that September day like it was yesterday — the explosion so stunning, so memorable. It wasn't 9/11/01, it was 9/29/08 — a moment when a rare blast …

Concerns Raised After Taliban Attacks Pakistan Guard Post
Alarm signals flashed cross South Asia and elsewhere after a reported Taliban attack on the guard post at the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex in Kamra, about 65 kilometers outside Islamabad. …

Too Big to Fail? Why All the President’s Afghan Options Are Bad Ones
In the worst of times, my father always used to say, “A good gambler cuts his losses.” It's a formulation imprinted on my brain forever. That no-nonsense piece of …

Karzai Declared Elected President of Afghanistan
Kabul, Afghanistan - Afghan electoral officials declared incumbent President Hamid Karzai the winner of the 2009 presidential election Monday, after canceling this weekend's second round of voting. Observers …

Rethinking Jobs for a Sustainable Economy
Atlanta, Georgia - The possibility of environmental catastrophe has led many leaders, scholars and average citizens to reconsider an economy based on constant growth. It is becoming …

Down This Road Before
Washington - The opium poppy was introduced to Afghanistan more than 2,300 years ago by the armies of Alexander the Great. His forces were eventually driven out, …