Evangelical Homophobia-Planting in Uganda: A Tough Seed With Poisonous Fruit
Christian extremists in Uganda's parliament are hoping that hunger and high gas prices will provide the cover they need to finally subject gay men to punishment of biblical proportions. …
Why the NFL Would Do Us a Favor by Calling Off the Coming Season
There's nothing like a little dust-up between millionaires and billionaires to start us thousandaires yawning. And when the upcoming pro football season is in danger of being cancelled because …
Pakistan Names General to Probe Bin Laden Scandal
Amid growing US and Pakistani suspicions, Pakistan's prime minister on Monday dismissed as “absurd” US allegations that the nation's powerful military was “complicit or incompetent” in the case of …
Your Taxes Fund Anti-Muslim Hatred
News personalities, politicians, self-appointed experts on the Muslim world, and law enforcement and intelligence officials, as well as the Christian right, have successfully demonized Muslims in the United States …
Scientific Study Links Flammable Drinking Water to Fracking
(Photo: danielfoster437/Flickr.) For the first time, a scientific study has linked natural gas drilling and hydraulic fracturing with a pattern of drinking water contamination so severe that …
The US Chamber of Commerce in Wonderland
It's a good rule of thumb: If the US Chamber of Commerce – the trade association for large corporations — is whipped up about something, there's probably good reason …
Boehner Outlines Demands on Debt Limit Fight
Washington - Speaker John A. Boehner said Monday that Republicans would insist on trillions of dollars in federal spending cuts in exchange for their support of an increase in …
The Threats of Business and the Business of Threats
A protester carries a “United Corporations of America” flag at an anti-war rally in Washington, DC. (Photo: ragesoss/Flickr.) More and more, we hear that nothing can be …
GOP: Try Again on Medicare
Nice try, Republicans, running a political protection racket to push your Medicare scheme. Scrubbed of the sweet talk about saving Medicare, your offer boiled down to this: You older …
Forget the Rich: Tax the Poor and Middle Class!
General Electric made profits last year of $5.1 billion in the United States and $14.2 billion worldwide, but they did not need to pay a penny of federal income …