
Huckabee “Jokes” (Again) About Voter Suppression
While campaigning in favor of Issue 2 in Ohio (the referendum forced onto the ballot by voters in an attempt to veto the GOP bill that strips public unions …

Roundup Ready Alfalfa Damages US Seed Industry
When Roundup Ready (hereafter “RR”) alfalfa was first suggested I did not think that it would be developed and introduced because most alfalfa fields are never sprayed for weed …

Occupy Movement Heats Up US South
Atlanta - As the Occupy Movement spreads like wildfire across the United States and around the world, protests in the U.S. South are facing unique challenges. …

White House Won’t Add Any More Detainees to Guantanamo, Lawyer Says
Miami - The White House will not add another detainee to the prison camps at Guantanamo, the Pentagon's top lawyer said Tuesday, acknowledging that congressional restrictions have brought captive …

Chiapas’ Coffee Growers: Accidental Environmentalists
Antonio, the Majomut cooperative supervisor, shows off the coffee plants. The cooperative purchases coffee from member-landowners, pays them fair trade prices, then ships then beans to overseas. (Photo: Kristian …

Rick Perry Event Pastor Predicts Coming “Prison Camps” for Jews
According to Kansas City-based International House of Prayer founder and evangelist Mike Bickle–who played a major role in the August 6th “The Response” prayer event that served as the …

Goldman Loss Offers a Bad Omen for Wall Street
Goldman Sachs, once Wall Street’s highest flier, has been grounded, and it does not bode well for the rest of the financial industry or the New York City economy …

Latinos Said to Bear Weight of a Deportation Program
A deportation program that is central to the Obama administration’s immigration enforcement strategy has led disproportionately to the removal of Latino immigrants and to arrests by immigration authorities of …

Activists in New York Target “Governor 1 Percent”: Cuomo Under Fire for Refusing to Extend Millionaire’s Tax
“Where is Cuomo? Protecting the 1 percent!” That was the chant outside the Skylight SoHo according to Democracy Now! reporter Ryan Devereaux, who accompanied a group of …

Seventy Thousand Greek Workers Launch New Anti-Austerity Strike
Athens - Tens of thousands of Greek workers walked off the job on Wednesday at the start of a two-day general strike to protest a new round austerity measures …