
Will Iowa Leave Face-Time Ritual with Candidates Behind?
Marshalltown, Iowa - They say in Iowa that a voter has to meet a candidate for president face to face a few times before deciding whom to support. But …

Fact Check: Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline Isn’t a Job Creator
Proponents of the dangerous Keystone XL project claim that construction of the 1700-mile tar sands pipeline from Canada to Texas will create tens of thousands, if not hundreds of …

At G20 Summit, Civil Society Demands “People First, Not Finances“
Activists march in Nice in protest against the G20 summit. “Ils sont 20, nous somas des milliards” translates as “they are 20, we are billions.” Click here for more …

Thousands Surround White House in Protest of Keystone Oil Pipeline
Keystone XL Pipeline Protest at the White House, Washington, DC, November 6, 2011. (Photo: Emma Cassidy / tarsandsaction) Washington — On a sunny, cloudless day, thousands of …

Happy Bank Transfer Day! Three Resources to Help You Leave Your Corporate Bank
November 5th is upon us — the day we are urged to move our money from corporate banks like Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and Citibank into small …

Oil Spills Are Forever: BP Gets Slap on the Wrist for Oil Disaster (Part Two)
(Photo courtesy of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council) In early October, BP and its contractors Transocean and Halliburton, were cited by the Interior Department for …

Israel Intercepts Two Flotillas Bound for Gaza
Jerusalem - The Israeli military intercepted activists sailing toward Gaza on Friday, boarding their two small boats in international waters and leading them instead to the Israeli port of …

White House Protest Against Keystone XL Pipeline Planned for Sunday
Washington - Thousands of people are expected to mass at the White House on Sunday to send an environmental message to President Barack Obama: Say no to a proposed …

Greek Leader Survives Vote, Bolstering Deal on Europe Debt
(Photo: primeministergr / Flickr) Athens - Prime Minister George Papandreou of Greece survived a crucial confidence vote in the Greek Parliament early on Saturday, a vote that …

Rich People’s Revolutions Are Barely Noticed, but a Poor Revolt Is Hard to Miss (Video)
Joshua Holland, AlterNet & Chris Bowers, Daily Kos & J.A. Myerson, Alternet all join Thom Hartmann. The latest from the front lines of the 99 percent protests here in …