
Romney’s Estate Tax Cut Would Save the Koch Brothers Up to $8.7 Billion Each
Tomorrow, 2012 GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney is slated to give a “major spending policy speech” at Americans For Prosperity’s Defending the American Dream Summit. Both the conference and …

Defense of Marriage Act Under Fire in Courts and Congress
A steady, legal assault on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is underway in Washington, DC. On Thursday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-California) led 132 Democrats …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Occupy Wall Street Is Bringing Down the Big Banks, and More
Thom Hartmann here – on the news…

Forget About a Dream Job, College Grads Just Taking Whatever They Can
As the economy continues to flounder, a growing number of college grads are shifting their priorities away from forging a career path in their desired field to more immediate …

“The Whole World’s Watching“
The surreal dance that has evolved between Occupy Tulsa and the Tulsa Police Department continued Wednesday night as officers once again took control of downtown Centennial Park, arresting 13 …

Bill Gates Champions a Financial Transactions Tax: “This Money Could Be Well Spent and Make a Difference“
While Republicans resist any attempt to address growing income inequality, more and more of America’s wealthy are asking to pay their fair share. Joining billionaire Warren Buffet, Microsoft founder …

US Deports 46,000 Parents With Citizen Kids in Just Six Months
Between January and June of 2011, the United States carried out more than 46,000 deportations of the parents of U.S.-citizen children, according to previously unreleased federal data obtained by …

Activists Fight to Hold Exxon Mobil Accountable in Valdez Oil Spill (Part One)
(Photo courtesy of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council) Rick Steiner is currently in the middle of a legal battle with Exxon Mobil Corp. over the …

Congressional Democrats Seek to Curb Tough State Voter-Screening Laws
Washington - Democrats on Thursday ratcheted up efforts to combat new voting laws adopted by 13 states that Democrats contend are deliberate efforts to keep its core voting blocs …

650,000 Americans Joined Credit Unions Last Month – More Than in All of 2010 Combined
One of the tactics the 99 Percenters are using to take back the country from the 1 percent is to move their money from big banks to credit unions, …