Mainstream Media Fails on Coverage of Chelsea Manning’s Transition
The media's failures to cover Manning's transition reflects a long history of unfair portrayals of transgender people.
The Other 9/11: Part One
Before 2001, there was another 9/11. In 1973, a military coup backed by the United States, overthrew the Chilean government and ushered in seventeen years of brutal dictatorship.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Voter Rolls in Virginia are Purged as the Governor Race Approaches
Thom Hartmann here – on the news... You need to know this. According to top administration official, President Obama will not strike Syria without Congressional approval. During an interview …
US Pulls Staff from Outposts in Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq
Citing increased threats to American citizens as the United States debates military action in Syria, the Obama administration on Friday ordered nonessential personnel out of its embassy in neighboring …
Global Power Project, Part 10: TransCanada Corporation, Kings of the Keystone Pipeline
Sine 2010, the Keystone XL pipeline has become a
Fighting Poverty Crucial to Tackling Child Health Crisis, Experts Say
Awareness and activism about the threat poverty poses to childhood health is growing.
Record Radiation Levels at Fukushima Nuclear Plant
Japanese government $500 million ice wall is a precarious, temporary fix, not a permanent solution to the radioactive water leaking from stricken nuclear reactors.
Economy Added 169,000 Jobs in August, but Downward Revisions Cloud Picture
Bad jobs are increasing because in a weak labor market, workers can't find anything better.
California Prison Hunger Strike Ends After 60 Days
California's mass prison hunger strike ended on Day 60 after two state legislators issued statements of public support for reform of conditions that have had hundreds locked in solitary …
Flow Chart Exposes Common Core’s Myriad Corporate Connections
Morna McDermott has mapped the Common Core State Standard Initiative's corporate connections in a chart that illustrates the corporate takeover of public education.