
Freeing Marissa Alexander
In 2012, Marissa Alexander was sentenced to 20 years in prison for firing a gun at the ceiling to prevent her estranged husband from attacking her.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Senate Leaders Reached a Deal Monday to End the Economic Standoff, and More
Monday evening, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell negotiated a deal to end the economic standoff.

Fast Food Workers Win a Union … Through Zoolidarity
Fast food workers at the Oregon Zoo defied the odds and voted in a union, but they started acting like a union well before the vote.

US Suspends More Military Aid to Egypt, Arousing Skepticism
The Obama administration announced Wednesday it was freezing hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to the Egyptian military pending u201ccredible progressu201d toward a return to democratic rule.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: House Republicans and President Obama Stalemate in Fiscal Negotiations, and More
Over the weekend, House Republicans and President Obama hit a stalemate in fiscal negotiations, and the Senate moved on to work out their own plan, and more.

The GED Test Is About to Get Much Harder, and Much More Expensive
The new version of the exam has tougher questions and a higher registration fee—plus it requires computer proficiency.

Professors and Adjuncts Unite, Win Raises, Job Security in First Contract
Teachers at the University of Oregon approved by 99 percent a first contract yesterday, the fruits of solidarity between tenure-track and contingent faculty that began in 2007.

Israeli Claim of Iranian ICBM Exploits Biased US Intel
In an effort to provoke any possible opposition in US political circles to a nuclear deal with Iran, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has returned to exploiting an old …

One Month After Historic Hunger Strike Ends, Legislators Hold Hearings About Solitary Confinement
Families and former prisoners held for years in solitary confinement expressed optimism October 9 after the first of several California Public Safety Committee hearings about the punishment, promised in …

Hurricane Sandy Evacuees Suddenly Left Without a Place to Live Again
Since Hurricane Sandy struck in late October of 2012, approximately 300 New York City residents have been living in hotels after their homes were flooded.