
Scott Walker’s Day-One Plan to “Wreak Havoc” Lifted From ALEC
Walker has no qualms about corporate CEOs secretly using shareholder funds to back politicians that shareholders may not support.

Clinton Proposes Campaign Finance Reform While Raking in Wall Street’s Millions
Despite Hillary Clinton's reform proposals, her acceptance of dark money contributions still threatens democracy.

One by One, States Are Giving Consumers the Right to Know About Chemicals in Products
From Vermont to Washington, an increasing number of states are requiring companies to report their use of chemicals of concern.

How Jeb Bush’s Florida Plan for School “Choice” Created an Industry of Corruption and Chaos
The obsession over money driving charter school growth in Florida is increasingly evident to those who bother to look.

For the Love of Water: The Ban on Mining in El Salvador
For several years, metal mining has been banned in El Salvador, and citizen groups are now working to enact a permanent nationwide ban.

EPA Coming Clean but Gold King a Gold Mine for Contractors
POGO's review of federal contracts shows that even before the spill began, the EPA was reacting to an emergency in the region.

Executive Excess 2015: Money to Burn
This report reveals how our CEO pay system rewards executives for deepening the global climate crisis.

Policy Prescriptions: The Firepower of the EU Pharmaceutical Lobby
A new report released today reveals the dramatic extent of the pharmaceutical industry's lobbying efforts towards EU decision makers.

French Secret Service Agent Who Led Fatal 1985 Bombing of Greenpeace Ship Breaks His Silence
Jean-Luc Kister wants to apologize for his actions 30 years ago.

As Candidates Tied to Guatemalan Army and Oligarch Vie for Power, What’s Next for Popular Uprising?
In Guatemala, a television comedian has won the first round of the nation's presidential elections.