
Oil Train Civil Disobedience Case Puts Climate Destruction on Trial, a First in the US
The Washington State trial of five activists could set a precedent, protecting those who engage in climate civil disobedience.

Experts Say US Government Caves to Meat Industry in New Dietary Guidelines
While the guidelines recommend consuming less sugar, they do not recommend eating less meat.

An Alternative State of the Union: Progressives on Obama’s Legacy and Their Hopes for His Final Year
We host a round table discussion on President Obama's final SOTU and progressive hopes for his last year in office.

Water Tanks Are a Way of Life in California Community During Drought
Water tanks are now the primary source of water for more than 540 households in Tulare County, the epicenter of California's four-year drought.

FDA’s Ban of Three Toxic Chemicals in Food Packaging Comes Too Late, Say Critics
The chemical industry has already replaced the chemicals banned by the Food and Drug Administration with new compounds that have received little scientific scrutiny.

Huge US Coal Company Declares Bankruptcy
Bad investments, cheap natural gas and air pollution regulations led to Arch's decline.

Cash for the Climate Please, Caribbean Leaders Lament
Caribbean leaders say developed countries should take the lead in mobilizing climate finance to prevent disaster.

Clinton, Sanders and O’Malley Address Police Violence and White Privilege at Brown and Black Forum
The Iowa Brown & Black Forum took place as Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are deadlocked in Iowa and New Hampshire polls.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The FDA Has Only Banned Three Chemicals Out of Nearly 100 Known to Cause Health Risks, and More
In today's On the News segment: There are nearly 100 chemicals used in food processing and packaging that pose a serious health risk, but the FDA is only banning …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: CEOs Are Fighting to Keep Their Taxes Low, and More
It's only the second full week of the new year, but many corporate CEOs have already made more money than most of us will make for the rest of …