
Disability Rights Activist Arrested for Protesting Trumpcare: We Won’t Be Silent While You Kill Us
Disability rights attorney Stephanie Woodward discusses the Republican Senate health bill and actions being taken to prevent its passage.

“Welfare Reform” Is Pushing Women Into Unwaged Work — It’s Time to Change That
The RISE Out of Poverty Act will help correct some of welfare reform's worst consequences for women and children.

Amazon Acquisition of Whole Foods Would Consolidate Market and Increase Inequality
Amazon now has monopoly power in online commerce.

“It’s an Election, Not an Auction”: Working-Class Challenger Opposes Paul Ryan and Big Money in Politics
Working people's values are being attacked in Washington right now by people like Paul Ryan, says Randy Bryce.

“Trump Feels a Kinship With Authoritarian Leaders”: Richard Falk on Turmoil in the Middle East
Trump's affection for autocrats appears to reflect his personal ideological affinities, says Richard Falk.

DC Police Accused of Using “Rape as Punishment” Targeting Some Arrested During Trump Inauguration
Scott Michelman, a senior attorney at the ACLU of the District of Columbia and lecturer at Harvard Law School, discusses the lawsuit.

“America Is on Trial”: Historian Ibram X. Kendi on the Failure to Convict Cops Who Kill Black People
Historian Ibram X. Kendi discusses the acquittal of the police officer who shot and killed Philando Castile and what it means.

Senate GOP Health Care Bill Estimated to Kill 28,600 More in US Each Year and Drop 22 Million From Insurance
Twenty-two million Americans would lose their health insurance under the Senate Republicans' health care bill over the next decade.

In Major Church-State Decision, Supreme Court Sides With Religious Institution
The Supreme Court ruled that taxpayer-funded grants for playgrounds could not be denied to a church-run school in Missouri.

“The Vulnerable Have Entered a More Precarious State Than Ever”: Marc Lamont Hill on Neoliberalism’s “Nobodies“
Marc Lamont Hill discusses neoliberalism, the plea bargain system and the current callous politics of disposability.