
How Syria Divides the Left: An Interview With Middle East Scholar Stephen Zunes
Amid the hurly-burly, the bottom line is that the US should not be bombing Syria, says Middle East scholar Steven Zunes.

If We Don’t Have Accountability, There’s Nothing to Stop Unlawful Detention From Happening
CounterSpin interviews Rachel Meeropol on a laswsuit over unlawful detention.

Devastation in Mosul: Iraq Seizes City From ISIS, but Battle Left Thousands Dead and 700,000 Displaced
Iraq's nine-month-long battle to retake Mosul from the self-proclaimed Islamic State is coming to an end.

Even as All G20 Countries Except US Affirm Paris Deal, Nations Pour $72 Billion a Year Into Fossil Fuels
On Saturday, world leaders broke with the United States on climate change.

Imperialism Is Alive and Kicking: A Marxist Analysis of Neoliberal Capitalism
International finance capital enforces the imperialism of today, says Marxist economist Prabhat Patnaik.

Misinforming the Majority: A Deliberate Strategy of Right-Wing Libertarians
Koch's team devised a roadmap for destroying democracy that could be carried out legally but below the radar.

Cutting Medicaid Threatens the Lives and Liberty of Disabled Americans
Disability activists will keep putting their bodies on the line to protect their liberty, says activist Bruce Darling.

Dystopian Nightmare: Eyewitness Decries Police Repression at G20 Summit as 100,000 Take to Streets
Srecko Horvat, who is taking part in the G20 alternative summit, discusses the violence demonstrators have faced in Hamburg, Germany.

Greece Has Been a Laboratory on a Way Out of a Capitalist Crisis
The crisis in Greece has no end in sight.

A Wisconsin Republican Looks Back With Regret at Voter ID and Redistricting Fights
Dale Schultz ended 30 years in state politics lamenting the recent displays of partisanship on voting laws.