
Marcy Wheeler: Mike Flynn’s Guilty Plea to FBI Will Shape How GOP Handles Russia Investigation
President Trump's former national security adviser Mike Flynn will plead guilty this morning to lying to the FBI.

Fighting for Freedom From Surveillance: Redefining “Sanctuary” for Trans, Queer and Immigrant Communities
Can cities with jails call themselves sanctuaries?

Putting the GOP Promise to the Test: Union Wants Income and Job Guarantees for Its Members if Tax Bill Passes
Trump promised every worker's income will rise by $4,000.

Anti-Globalization in the Era of Trump: Joseph Stiglitz on Shared Prosperity Without Protectionism
Stiglitz speaks about the impact of free trade agreements that Trump has criticized.

Will Trump’s Latest Islamophobic Tweets Impact Court Rulings on His Mostly Muslim Travel Ban?
The impact Trump's recent retweets of Islamophobic messages and videos could have on the cases.

As GOP Tax Plan Faces Senate Vote, Critics Say Bill Would Give Hundreds of Billions to Top 1 Percent
Heather McGhee, president of Demos and Demos Action, discusses more.

How to Defeat the GOP Tax Bill: Applying Lessons From the Trumpcare Fight
Inheritance tax, like single-payer, unites the people.

The Trump-Russia Story Is Coming Together. Here’s How to Make Sense of It
“Everything the Trump campaign told you about the connections between Trump and Russia was a lie.”

As Accusations Stack Up, a Look at the Onerous Process of Reporting Sexual Abuse on Capitol Hill
What happens to a member of Congress when someone dares to come forward to report wrongdoing?

J20 Trial: Over 200 Inauguration Protesters, Journalists and Observers Face Riot Charges From Mass Arrest
The defendants were charged under face multiple felony and misdemeanor charges.