
Oligarchy Is Destroying Our Society and the Planet
Oligarchs abuse the environment and erode the mutual trust society needs to function well, says James Boyce.

How Bombs Built by Raytheon in Tucson Killed 31 Civilians in Yemen
Journalist Jeffrey Stern discusses the bombings carried out by US-backed Saudi warplanes.

Ralph Nader on How Bush and Obama Paved the Way for the Trump Presidency
Nader links the criminality of the Trump administration to the unchecked power of previous US presidents.

Until We Confront Capitalism, We Will Not Solve the Climate Crisis
Author Simon Pirani explains what must be done to halt runaway greenhouse gas emissions.

How the US Contributed to Brazil’s Return to Fascism
Major US newspapers failed to do serious investigative work on the merits of the corruption charges against Lula.

UK Protesters Are Supergluing Themselves to Buildings to Fight Climate Crisis
The Extinction Rebellion movement began six months ago in the United Kingdom and has now spread to 35 countries.

Hundreds of Activists Stage Sit-In Against Big Polluters on Final Day of COP24
Hundreds gathered at the UN climate summit to demand bolder action from world leaders on climate change.

US Seeks to Dilute Pact to Cut Carbon Emissions
The UN issued a dire warning Wednesday that nations must act now to save humanity from devastating climate change.

Costa Rica Is Pursuing Decarbonization Despite Global Inaction
Costa Rica plans to go fossil-free beginning next year, becoming the first country to decarbonize its economy.

Typhoon Haiyan Survivor: Fossil Fuel Companies Killed My Family
Typhoon Haiyan, one of the strongest cyclones in recorded history, devastated the Philippines.