Graphic Journalism

We All Lose Out on Great Media When Racial and Sexual Diversity Is Lacking
We all lose out on great media when it's mostly made by straight white dudes. Even straight white dudes know it!

Afghanistan Today and Tomorrow
Tom Hayden, close observer of US foreign policy since the early 1960s, offers his wisdom on Afghanistan, seen here through the artistry of two young comics creators.

Akin Roadtrip: Our Quest to Bring Sex Education to the Man Who Invented “Legitimate Rape“
When we heard Todd Akin's remarks about legitimate rape, we knew immediately: that guy needs some accurate, evidence-based words and pictures about gender and sexuality, stat.

Ted Rall’s Tales From the Crypt of Democracy: Election Thieves
Inserted in the center of Greg Palast's just-released book,

The Finnish Alternative: Reclaiming Public Education From Corporate Reform
In our concluding episode, we take readers to Finland, in an extensive original interview with world-renowned education expert Pasi Sahlberg, director general of Centre of International Mobility and Cooperation …

Adventure-Style Living: How Gender Affects the Money Comics Creators Make
Getting published is hard enough, but making even a meager living from comics is a really rough road.

Murky Waters: The Education Debate in New Orleans
In this graphic column distilling three extensive interviews, we hope to go beyond the hype of post-Katrina New Orleans.

Why Are Women and Transgender Comic Creators Getting Less of the Pie?
Men make up only 54 percent of comics creators, and submit work at approximately the same rates as women.

The Clash on Wabash: The 150 NATO Summit Protesters Who Stayed Up Past Mainstream Media’s Bedtime
After the scheduled #noNATO march ended Sunday afternoon, May 20, a much-broadcast clash with police resulted in a fracture of the main protest group.

Varieties of Gender Harassment
Perceptions of women as content in comics could contribute to a hostile work environment - one that affects home life, career longevity and, as we'll see next week, income.