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Author Bios

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Maria Ibarra-Frayre

Maria Ibarra Frayre, LLMSW, is a community organizer. Read her work on Medium.
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Cresa Pugh

Cresa Pugh is a doctoral student in Sociology and Social Policy at Harvard University.
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Jacinta González

Jacinta González is a senior campaign organizer at Mijente and an expert in organizing against immigration enforcement and criminalization of Latinx and immigrant communities. Follow Mijente on Twitter: @ConMijente.
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Susannah Shmurak

Susannah Shmurak is freelance writer focusing on the intersections between human health and the environment. A passionate advocate for healthier, more sustainable lifestyles, she shares practical tips about gardening, food …
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Max Feldman

Max Feldman serves as counsel in the Democracy Program at the Brennan Center for Justice, where he focuses on voting rights and elections. Prior to joining the Brennan Center, …
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Ottavia Ampuero Villagran

The human right to identity of countless undocumented migrant bodies is being disregarded by the inadequate body management and identification efforts – more must be done.
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Susan Anenberg

Susan Anenberg is Associate Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health and Global Health at George Washington University.
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Loretta Mickley

Loretta Mickley is Senior Research Fellow in Chemistry-Climate Interactions at Harvard University.
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Mick Dumke

Mick Dumke reports on politics at ProPublica Illinois, with particular interest in housing policies, criminal justice and city and state government.