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Economic Update: “False Choices and Bad Decisions”

Updates on Chinese economy’s response to global crisis, $6.6 billion legal deal among banks, credit card companies and retailers, and food stamp cuts threatened.

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Updates on Chinese economy’s response to global crisis, $6.6 billion legal deal among banks, credit card companies and retailers, and food stamp cuts threatened. Analysis of closing of US university presses, Texas Gov Perry refusal of Medicaid expansion. Responses on municipal pension issues and changes needed in giant banks.

On Economic Update with Professor Richard Wolff, Wolff and guests will discuss the current state of the economy, both locally and globally in relation to the economic crisis.

Wolff will focus on wages, jobs, taxes, and debts – and on interest rates, prices, and profits. We aim to explain why certain economic changes are happening and other changes get postponed or blocked and we will explore alternative ways to organize enterprises, markets, and government policies. Economic Update is a weekly show for people who want to understand and change not only their own financial situation but also the larger economy we all depend on.

To listen in live on Saturdays at noon, visit WBAI’s Live Stream

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