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Truthout Invites You to Join Us in Reimagining a Just Economy

Truthout invites you to join us in…

Reimagining a Just Economy

Sunday, May 6 from 5pm
The Tabard Inn
1739 N Street NW
Washington D.C. 20036

Tickets for the general public are $40, but Truthout donors pay only $25.

What should freedom mean in America? What new forms of “democratized ownership” might be possible? And what safeguards are needed to ensure everyone has a fair chance to succeed?

Truthout invites you to join radio and TV host Thom Hartmann, economist Gar Alperovitz and Truthout columnist Dina Rasor at the beautiful Tabard Inn, right near DuPont Circle, on Sunday, May 6. These three leading progressive thinkers and Truthout contributors will share their ideas about how to create a more equal and democratic society. Drinks and refreshments will be provided.

Thom Hartmann is a New York Times bestselling, Project Censored Award winning author, and a nationally syndicated progressive radio and television host. “At the Founding of America and for most of the 20th century, ‘Freedom’ meant having a minimum level of security so one could pursue his or her own dreams,” he says. “But conservatives have hijacked the word and increasingly Americans are free to die in the gutter: alone, hungry, physically or mentally ill. We have to reclaim the word and restore its meaning if America is to again become ‘The Land of the Free.’”

Gar Alperovitz is the Lionel R. Bauman professor of political economy at the University of Maryland, co-founder of the Democracy Collaborative, and author of the newly released and already acclaimed “America Beyond Capitalism.” Gar will discuss the vast, quietly exploding underground of co-ops, worker-owned firms, city and state enterprises, and other forms of “democratized ownership” that begin to point towards a new politics and a ”next system” beyond both traditional corporate capitalism and traditional socialism.

Dina Rasor, an investigator, journalist and author (most recently of “Betraying Our Troops: The Destructive Results of Privatizing War”), writes Truthout’s Solutions column. Dina has been fighting waste while working for transparency and accountability in government for three decades. She will make the case that without oversight and accountability for the 1%, there is no guarantee of a just economy, and that there needs to be a serious new blueprint of safeguards and enforcement in the areas of finance and government spending to assure everyone has a fair chance to succeed.

Email [email protected] to reserve tickets for the event. Please state how many people are in your party. (You’ll be placed on our list and pay at the door.)


We missed our July fundraiser goal and need to keep fundraising to make up the difference.

The next few months are going to be pivotal and your tax-deductible donation will go far in helping us do our work.

Please do what you can today.