
Fetterman Files Bill to Repeal Law Barring Striking Workers From Food Stamps
The prohibition on SNAP means workers often have to choose between exercising their rights or putting food on the table.

Senator Files Bill Barring Fox From Getting $200M Tax Break From Lawsuit Payment
An arcane tax provision lets the company save up to $213 million in taxes due to its $787 million defamation settlement.

Biden-Backed Bill May Be Used to Censor LGBTQ, Reproductive Health Content
“KOSA would cut off another vital avenue of access to information for vulnerable youth,” critics of the bill wrote.

Maternal Deaths Expected to Rise in Post-Roe Era, But Tracking Them May Be Tough
Several challenges stand in the way of tracking the number of lives lost due to limits on abortion access, experts say.

Leonard Leo Claims It’s Illegal for Senate to Ask About His SCOTUS Alliances
A lawyer for the conservative powerhouse said that it’s a violation of Leo’s free speech to ask him for accountability.

Mountain Valley Pipeline Construction Moves Forward Thanks to Supreme Court
Environmental groups have estimated that the pipeline could have a yearly emissions impact equivalent to 26 coal plants.

Shell’s Investments in Oil and Gas Projects May Increase by 10 Percent This Year
An analysis by Global Witness estimates that Shell's investments are set to surge to around $14.5 billion.

How an Illinois City Council Passed Unprecedented Local Human Rights Protections
A new human rights title will house a bodily autonomy ordinance and any additional rights the council adopts over time.

Koreans Demand the US End the Korean War 70 Years After Armistice
U.S. imperialism has not only thwarted peace in the Korean Peninsula, but is currently shaping a new Cold War.

Progressives Unveil Bill to Tax Billionaire Wealth Up to 8 Percent
The bill would create four tax brackets to tax those with “runaway wealth.”