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Republican Congressman Suggests “Impeachment” For Justice Kagan Over Obamacare Ruling

A leading Republican congressmen in the fight to repeal Obamacare said todayu2019s Supreme Court ruling is u201cillegitimateu201d and has called for one of the Supreme Court Justices to be impeached.

Washington, DC – A leading Republican congressmen in the fight to repeal Obamacare said today’s Supreme Court ruling is “illegitimate” and has called for one of the Supreme Court Justices to be impeached.

ThinkProgress spoke with Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) outside the Court immediately following the decision today affirming the constitutionality of Obamacare. Gohmert, apoplectic over the ruling, directed his anger towards Justice Elena Kagan, who he claims likely “violated federal law” by voting on the Obamacare decision after serving as Solicitor General when the law was passed. “She needs to be removed from the Supreme Court,” he cried, calling for her impeachment. As such, Gohmert said today’s decision upholding Obamacare is “illegitimate.”

Gohmert: We still have the issue of Justice Kagan. Either she was totally derelict and negligent in her duties as Solicitor General and had absolutely nothing to do with the most important bill to the president, her boss, or she did have something to do with it, she has violated federal law, and as such she needs to be removed from the Supreme Court. […] I think it’s important to look at Justice Kagan for potential impeachment. […]

Keyes: Considering she was the deciding vote in the case, does that leave the ruling illegitimate if she broke federal law?

Gohmert: Yes it would. It would mean this decision would be illegitimate if she lied in order to get onto the Court.

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