Video Posts

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Mitt Romney Comes Out in Opposition to Hiring More Public Workers, and More
In today's On the News segment: Anti-austerity parties actually nabbed 52% of the vote in Sunday's elections in Greece, Mitt Romney has come out in staunch opposition to hiring …

In Obama Deportation Move, Long-Term Immigration Activism “Has Been Rewarded”
n a major policy move, the Obama administration has halted the deportations of some undocumented youth.

How to Own an Election
In this Bill Moyers Essay, Bill calls out some of the biggest political and super PAC donors, revealing how easy it is for the wealthy one percent to sway …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: 1.9 Million American Transportation Workers Are Being Held Hostage by Republicans, and More
Greek situation is still unresolved, 1.9 million American transportation workers are being held hostage by Republicans in the House, the poor are getting poorer, an estimated 50,000 people took …

Thousands Hold Silent March to Mayor Bloomberg’s Home in Protest of NYPD’s “Stop-and-Frisk”
Thousands of people held a silent march in New York City on Sunday to protest the New York City Police Departmentu2019s controversial

Chicago Workers’ Economic Plan: Go Co-Operative!
Laura Flanders: A group of the workers who occupied the Republic Windows and Doors factory in 2008 have founded a worker-run cooperative.

Thomas Frank on Money in Politics
When it comes to the vast, corrupting influence of money in politics, historian Thomas Frank has sounded the alarm loudly and often.

Euro Crisis Used to Destroy Social Contract
Rob Johnson: European adjustments are not the product of a mistake, but a design to break down some of the leftover architecture of the Cold War, which might be …

Health Insurance Companies Plowed Over $107 Million Into Electing Speaker Boehner’s Anti-Health Reform Congress
And not only has this money corrupted our government, we didnu2019t even find out about it until two years after it was spent since it was hidden in 501(c) …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Republican War on Women Has Reached the Military, and More
In today's On the News segment: Meet the billionaire who's trying to buy the 2012 election for Mitt Romney, Mexican telecom tycoon Carlos Slim wants the rest of the world …