Video Posts

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Florida Launches Investigation Into Strategic Allied Consulting, and More
Florida Launches Investigation Into Strategic Allied Consulting.

Expanding the Debate Exclusive: Third Party Candidates Break the Sound Barrier As Obama-Romney Spar
s President Obama and Mitt Romney squared off for the first time on Wednesday night, Democracy Now! broke the sound barrier by pausing Obama and Romneyu2019s answers to get …

The Debate: A Masterful Liar Defeats a Man Without Conviction
Leo Panitch: Romney's defense of small banks, small businesses and the middle class is disingenuous, but Obama share's too many of the same assumptions to counterattack.

The Case Against Markets
The Case Against Markets

Blocking Bain Trucks To Save Jobs In Freeport
Working in Freeport, Illinois protest the closing of a Sensata factory by the Bain Corporation and asking Mitt Romney to fulfill his promises to keep jobs in the US.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Unionized Public Water Service Workers Are Striking Against Privatization in Detroit, and More
In today's On the News segment: Unionized public water service workers in Detroit are risking their jobs by going on strike to protest a new contract signed by the …

Noam Chomsky On Occupy Wall Street’s Anniversary and the Upcoming Election
Professor Noam Chomsky discusses Occupy Wall Streetu2019s one year anniversary and how progressives and activists should approach the 2012 election.

As US Death Toll in Afghanistan Passes 2,000 Mark, Phyllis Bennis on America’s Longest War
Amidst a spate of attacks by Afghan troops on NATO forces, NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen has revealed Western forces may withdraw from Afghanistan sooner than expected.

Romney’s Dismissal of “Dependent” 47 Percent in Line With Tax Policies Favoring the “Country Club” 1%
In a newly unearthed recording released by Mother Jones magazine, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney tells a crowd of donors that he thinks 47 percent of Americans are

Onerous Requirements Under Virginia’s TRAP Law Could Force Closure of State’s Abortion Clinics
Broadcasting from Richmond, we look at a new law that could force many of Virginiau2019s abortion clinics to shut down.