Video Posts

As Missouri Senate Race Tightens, New Details Emerge on Todd Akin’s Anti-Abortion Past
A recent report in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch has drawn new attention to Akinu2019s views on abortion, revealing that he was arrested at least three times during anti-abortion protests …

What’s Wrong With the Stop Special Interest Money Now Act?
Peter Dreier tells Laura Flanders why he thinks Californiau2019s Stop Special Interest Money Now Act is really a sneak attack on unions.

Superstorm Sandy Has Exposed New York City’s “Hideous Inequality”
We continue our coverage of Superstorm Sandy by looking at how it has impacted an economically divided New York City, especially in Manhattan, where the the richest fifth make …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Courts Help Disenfranchise Voters in Ohio
Courts are helping disenfranchise voters in Ohio.

Green Party VP Cheri Honkala: “We Need Young People to Go Forward”
Green Party VP candidate Cheri Honkala visited Detroit this past Sunday, giving a multi-platform speech that called for movement building, whatever the outcome on Nov. 6.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: 25 Americans Are Dead From Meningitis Outbreak, and More
In today's On the News segment: 25 Americans are dead and another 344 are sickened by a growing meningitis outbreak; Hurricane Sandy's death toll has now topped 55 Americans; …

Greg Palast: Easy Ways to Steal an Election
Greg Palast, author of Billionaires & Ballot Bandits: How to Steal an Election in 9 Easy Steps reveals vote stealing methodology.

From MI6 Al Qaeda Plot to Kill Gaddafi to Spying on Domestic Dissent: An MI5 Whistle Blowers Story
Annie Machon: British intelligence agencies considered themselves above the law.

Climate Change and Historic Superstorm Sandy: 70+ Dead, Streets Submerged, Millions Without Power
Estimates of the damage so far have reached as high as $20 billion.

Bill McKibben on Hurricane Sandy and Climate Change: “If There Was Ever a Wake-up Call, This Is It”
“This thing is stitched together from elements natural and unnatural, and it seems poised to cause real havoc,” says Bill McKibben, founder of