Video Posts

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Every Major Poll in the Nation Shows Obama in the Lead, and More
In today's On the News segment: Accounting firm Price Waterhouse Cooper warns a warming planet spells trouble for business, and more.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: GOP Efforts to Restrict the Vote, Outside Groups Spend $1 Billion, and More
On the News With Thom Hartmann

Obama’s or Romney’s Foreign Policy: Does it Matter Who Wins?
It remains unclear where Mitt Romney really stands on foreign policy and if the election could truly impact US international relations.

Prop 37 and Corporate Lies in the Post Truth Era
Can a campaign with limitless resources and a disdain for the truth can defeat an overwhelmingly popular idea?

Mike Ludwig Talks GMOs on American Liberal Truthout Radio
California voters go to the polls on November 6th to cast their ballots for (or against) Prop 37.

Lee Camp Offers a “Moment of Clarity” for Truthout Readers
Lee Camp challenges progressives with his distinctive brand of political humor. What makes Camp distinctive, however, is that he is an unapologetic advocate for the common good.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Romney Campaign Is Caught Lying to Potential Poll Watchers, and More
In today's On the News segment: The Romney campaign is caught lying to potential poll watchers in an effort to confuse voters on Election Day; global wealth inequality has …

As Missouri Senate Race Tightens, New Details Emerge on Todd Akin’s Anti-Abortion Past
A recent report in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch has drawn new attention to Akinu2019s views on abortion, revealing that he was arrested at least three times during anti-abortion protests …

What’s Wrong With the Stop Special Interest Money Now Act?
Peter Dreier tells Laura Flanders why he thinks Californiau2019s Stop Special Interest Money Now Act is really a sneak attack on unions.

Superstorm Sandy Has Exposed New York City’s “Hideous Inequality”
We continue our coverage of Superstorm Sandy by looking at how it has impacted an economically divided New York City, especially in Manhattan, where the the richest fifth make …