Video Posts

Sequestration: What Do the Automatic Spending Cuts Mean for the Poor, Unemployed and Children?
The word of the month in Washington is

Bradley Manning 1000 Days in Jail and more Government Crackdown on Transparency
Michael Ratner: World wide support for Bradley Manning as trial of alleged Stratfor hacker Jeremy Hammond takes bizarre twist.

Bowman Versus Monsanto: Indiana Farmer’s Supreme Court Challenge to Corporate Control of Food Supply
A David-versus-Goliath case heard by the Supreme Court this week pits a 75-year-old farmer from Indiana against Monsanto, the worldu2019s largest seed company.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: New Orleans Judge Reduces BP’s Liability, and More
A week before BP's civil trial for the 2010 Gulf oil disaster, a district judge in New Orleans just reduced the company's liability by $3.4 billion.

The Financialization of Food
Sasha Breger Bush: In the name of democratizing finance, derivative exchanges are achieving the opposite.

Will a Higher Minimum Wage Cost Jobs?
Bob Pollin on the theory that a higher minimum wage will reduce jobs available to young people entering the work force and won't reduce poverty.

Sharif Abdel Kouddous: Two Years into Uprising, Bahrain Feels Like a “Nation Under Occupation”
emocracy Now! correspondent Sharif Abdel Kouddous joins us to discuss his recent trip to Bahrain, where the Sunni monarchy continues its crackdown on a two-year-old uprising.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Wisconsin’s Private Sector Unions Are Under Attack, and More
In today's On the News segment: Wisconsin's private sector unions are under attack; 26 states haven't set up their insurance exchanges - leaving it up to the federal government; …

W.E.B. Du Bois vs. Booker T. Washington – Then and Now
Anthony Monteiro : Feb. 23, 2013 is the 145th anniversary of the birth of Du Bois, considered a founder of the civil rights movement and father of Pan Africanism.

The ATM for Climate Denial: Secretive Donors Trust Funds Vast Network of Global Warming Skeptics
While the secretive Donors Trust has given millions to a variety of right-wing causes, denying climate change appears to be its top priority.