Video Posts

“Makers: Women Who Make America”: New Film Chronicles Past 50 Years of Feminist Movement
We look at a major new documentary that tells the story of how women have shaped the United States over the last 50 years through political and personal empowerment.

Hagel Confirmed – Will He Jump on the Military Expenditure Bandwagon?
Chuck Hagel is confirmed as Secretary of Defense; will he now try to sell the myth that a high military budget is good for jobs?

Billionaires for Austerity: With Cuts Looming, Wall Street Roots of “Fix the Debt” Campaign Exposed
A new investigation reveals how billionaire investors, such as Peter Peterson, have helped reshape the national debate on the economy, the debt and social spending.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Italian Voters Are Fed Up With Austerity
In today's On the News segment: BP trial begins, Republicans have yet another anti-worker tactic up their sleeve, and more.

Kazakhstan, a Human Rights Disaster, Hosts Iran Talks
Allen Ruff: Kazakhstan's brutal repression of workers and opposition ignored as it tries to play broker in the stand off between the US and Iran.

Sequestration Budget Cuts Will Deepen Recession – Both Parties Reject Stimulus
James Heintz: President Obama and GOP focus on budget cutting instead of creating more employment.

Richard Wolff on Fighting for Economic Justice and Fair Wages
Richard Wolff joins Bill to discuss the fight for economic justice, including a fair minimum wage.

Clinton’s Policy of Not Prosecuting Bank Fraud Continues
Obama continues the rationale that prosecuting big bank fraud isn't worth the government's time and could destabilize banking system.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Report Finds Global Warming Cut Labor Capacity by 10 Percent, and More
Michigan Republicans overwhelmingly voted to rig the Electoral College, and more.

Torture at Guantanamo: Lt. Col. Stuart Couch on His Refusal to Prosecute Abused Prisoner
‘We might very well have a significant problem with the body of evidence that we were able to present as to his guilt,’ said Couch.