Video Posts

“The Other IRS Scandal”: David Cay Johnston on Dark Money Political Groups Seeking Tax Exemption
While the IRS targeting of Tea Party groups has made headlines for days, far less attention has been paid to the roots of the crisis.

Taxing Corporate Profits Will Force Investment
Heiner Flassbeck: Corporations are sitting on mountains of cash and are unwilling to invest in the real economy - only high taxes on profit will make them do so.

AP Monitoring Raises Fears of Government Overreach: How Far Will Obama Go to Crack Down on Leaks?
Journalist David Cay Johnston discusses the growing scandal over the Justice Department's seizure of telephone records from Associated Press editors and reporters.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: US Retailers Are Refusing to Help Stop Slave Labor, and More
US retailers are refusing to help stop slave labor.

Monitoring of AP Phones a “Terrifying” Step in State Assault on Press Freedom
The Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges joins us to discuss what could mark the most significant government intrusion on freedom of the press in decades.

Allan Nairn: After Rios Montt Verdict, Time for US to Account for Its Role in Guatemalan Genocide
Following last week's guilty verdict in Guatemala's historic genocide trial, reporter Allan Nairn says the United States should follow Guatemala's lead and indict the Reagan administration officials who supported …

Systemic Malfunctioning of the Labor and Financial Markets
Dr. Heiner Flassbeck: Government has to step in and correct the imbalances of low wages and unregulated financial markets or a deeper recession and crisis is inevitable.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Senate Committee Agrees to Cut Over $4 Billion of Food Aid from the Farm Bill, and More
The European Union is going after Big Oil; and more.

New Shell Oil Laboratory at Oxford Meets Organized Resistance
A coalition of environmental protesters last week targeted Shell u2013 a corporation engaged in the worldu2019s u201cmost destructive projectu201d u2013 for co-opting one of the worldu2019s most prestigious universities.

Finance: “Aprés Moi, Le Deluge” – Make Money Now, To Hell With Tomorrow
Dr. Heiner Flassbeck: We're in worst shape now than in 2008 because at least then there was hope governments would face up to the situation.