Video Posts
Two Major Lawsuits Filed Against ExxonMobil for Arkansas Tar Sands Spill
Both suits clarify that ExxonMobil dilbit has contaminated Lake Conway, the largest man-made lake in the US.
Kristi Jacobson and Mariana Chilton on How Hunger Hurts Everyone
Think the world needs an alternative to media that just serves those in power? Click here to make a tax-deductible donation to Truthout and keep independent journalism strong. BILL …
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Report Predicts Green Energy Will Beat Out Natural Gas in Five Years, and More
In today's On the News segment: California's same-sex couples told they will have to wait 25 days to get married, and more.
Is Obama’s Trip to Africa About Investment or the Extraction of African Resources?
Africa Action board chair and foreign policy expert Emira Woods says Obama administration needs a new approach to trade and investment and should move away from policies that favor …
Kristi Jacobson and Mariana Chilton on How Hunger Hurts Everyone
Kristi Jacobson and Mariana Chilton explain to Bill Moyers how hunger and food insecurity hit people from every walk of life.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: The US Senate Approved the So-Called Comprehensive Immigration Bill, and More
In today's On the News segment:Â On Thursday, the United States Senate approved the so-called comprehensive immigration bill; last-minute attempts to stop student loan interest rates from doubling failed to …
Obama’s Carbon Reduction Plan “Will Guarantee Global Warming Disaster”
Nafeez Ahmed: Environmental activists need to redouble efforts to demand Obama reject Keystone XL, abandon hydrofracking, and adopt tougher emission standards.
LGBT Movement Wins Defeat of DOMA and Prop 8, Fueling Momentum for Next Steps in Fight for Equality
In a historic victory for marriage equality, the US Supreme Court has struck down the Defense of Marriage Act and paved the way for same-sex marriages to resume in …
David Gregory, Glenn Greenwald and the First Amendment
Attempts by big media journalists like David Gregory to establish who is worthy of the constitutional protection afforded to the press lie on the edge of a slippery slope.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Republican Sequester Wreaks Havoc on Our Economy, and More
Yesterday, the Bureau of Economic Analysis announced a huge revision to previous estimates of economic growth.