Video Posts
NYPD Undercover Spying Unit Revealed as Extensive, Far-Reaching
Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Matt Appuzo discusses how the NYPD intelligence gathering targets everyone from Muslims to Republican convention attendees.
Truthout TV Interviews William I. Robinson About the Crisis of Global Capitalism
Ted Asregadoo speaks with UC Santa Barbara sociology professor, William I. Robinson, about the crisis of global capitalism.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: DC Mayor Vincent Gray Vetoed “Living Wage” Bill, and More
Thom Hartmann here – on the news... You need to know this. As of Thursday, Syrian officials said their country had become a full member of the Chemical Weapons …
Wall Street Banks Obtain Market Data Ten Minutes Before Everyone Else
A news scandal shows the markets are rigged.
Snowden Documents Reveal NSA Gave Israeli Spies Raw Emails, Texts, Calls of Innocent Americans
Despite assurances from President Obama, the scandal around the National Security Agency continues to grow.
What’s Putin’s Interest in Syria?
Aleksandr Buzgalin: Putin's aims in Syria through a domestic lens.
Salvatore Babones | Unprecedented Inequality: The Top 1% Captured 95% of the Income Gains Since 2009
Salvatore Babones: The economy is growing, but most workers are left behind.
Juan González: New York City Poised to Elect Its Most Progressive Government in 50 Years
After the three-term administration of billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg, progressive candidates emerged as the clear winners of New York Cityu2019s primary elections earlier this week.
Chris Hedges and Rania Masri On What the Future May Hold For Syria
Part two of writer Chris Hedges and scholar Rania Masri response to President Obama's Syria address.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: House Republicans Have Come Up With Their Latest Plan to Hold Our Economy Hostage, and More
In today's On the News segment: House Majority Leader Eric Cantor said Republicans will not raise the debt ceiling unless President Obama delays Obamacare for another year; researchers at …