Video Posts
New York City’s Charter School Showdown Reignites National Debate on Privatized Education
The battle over charter schools is heating up after New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio blocked three privately run charter schools from using rent-free space inside public schools.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Higher Levels of Unionization Can Contribute to Economic Stability, and More
In today's On the News segment: According to the Economic Policy Institute, higher levels of unionization can contribute to economic stability; last week, President Obama sent Congress a $3.9 …
Should Baltimore Privatize Its Public Housing?
Housing advocate Jeffrey Singer and Councilman Bill Henry debate whether Baltimore should privatize 40 percent of its public housing stock.
Ralph Nader | Senate’s Climate Stance, “Insanity” of US Nukes and Why Obama’s Minimum Wage Hike Falls Short
Ralph Nader discusses the Senate's filibuster to promote climate action, US regulators hiding details of the Fukushima meltdown, and why Obama's call for a minimum wage hike falls short …
Rachel Maddow | Oil Companies Dumping Radioactive Waste in North Dakota
Don Morrison, of the Dakota Resource Council, talks with Rachel Maddow about the challenge of holding oil companies responsible for pollution in North Dakota.
Henry Giroux | Neoliberalism, Youth and Social Justice
Henry Giroux speaks with Ronald Jackson on issues of neoliberalism, the war on youth, and required cultural changes for a better future.
Debate: Is the Democrats’ Talkathon on Climate Change Just Talk?
Center for American Progress Director of Climate Strategy Daniel Weiss and IPS Fellow Daphne Wysham debate whether the Senate Democrat's all-nighter meant they are serious about tackling global warming.
Senator Feinstein Takes CIA Spying Accusation to Senate Floor
NSA Whistelblower William Binney says Sen. Feinstein is hypocritical for supporting spying under the Obama administration but only speaking out after her committee is spied on.
School Board Candidates Backed by Koch-Connected Nonprofit
The advertisement ran just less than a month before the race for school board in Douglas County, Colo. “Liberals are fighting school choice in Douglas County,” the announcer intoned. …
Fukushima Nuclear Disaster Three Years Later: Who Is Responsible?
Nuclear power engineer Arnie Gunderson and journalist Chiho Kaneko discuss a lawsuit to hold General Electric and other reactor manufacturing companies responsible and the Japanese public's attitude toward nuclear …