Video Posts

Cluster Bomb Deliveries to Ukraine Alarm Human Rights and Antiwar Advocates
123 countries have signed an international treaty banning cluster munitions, but the U.S., Russia and Ukraine have not.

How Obama Greenlighted Egyptian Coup 10 Years Ago, Killing the Arab Spring
The U.S. refused to call it a coup and continued to send billions in foreign aid to the military dictatorship.

New UN Body Will Investigate Disappearances During Syria’s 12-Year Civil War
The Syrian government opposed the resolution, along with Russia, China, Belarus, North Korea, Cuba and Iran.

Israeli Forces Withdraw From Refugee Camp, Leaving Widespread Destruction
Mustafa Sheta experienced the attack and describes it as an effort “to end … the idea of resistance in Palestine.”

Daniel Ellsberg Warned Crisis Over Ukraine and Taiwan Could Lead to Nuclear War
Ellsberg revealed the U.S. drew up plans to attack China with nuclear weapons during the 1958 Taiwan Strait Crisis.

SCOTUS Case to End Student Loan Forgiveness Relies on “Unwilling Participant”
David Dayen refutes Missouri’s argument that its state agency MOHELA will be harmed by the debt relief plan.

Trudeau Lit a Fuse to One of the Largest Carbon Bombs on Earth, Activist Says
Big oil is fueling fires. We must stop funding projects like the Trans Mountain pipeline, says Tzeporah Berman.

Hondurans Fight Private Cities Run by US Companies Amid Legal Battle
Such “extreme investor rights” under an international trade agreement directly oppose Honduran sovereignty, says critic.

Church Committee Had Dramatic Impact on NSA, CIA and FBI Abuses, New Book Shows
It's "probably the most important congressional investigation in modern American history,” says James Risen.

Wagner Revolt in Russia Pitted One “Bloody Nationalism” Against Another
It remains to be seen whether more military or elite factions will break from Putin, says Nina Khrushcheva.