10 Years Later, Flint Residents Are Still Waiting for Lead Pipes to Be Replaced
Biden pledged to replace all of the US’s lead pipes, but he’d need billions of dollars more from Congress to do it.
Residents Finally Get to Participate in Negotiations Over Jackson’s Water Crisis
Residents experience near-daily concerns about sewage leakage, frequent boil water advisories and exposure to lead.
Hydropower Won’t Solve the Climate Crisis, But New Dams May Lead to Water Wars
Rivers dry up while the superpowers jockey for position, hoping to control what remains of the world’s resources.
Only Some States Are Warning Residents of “Forever Chemicals” in Freshwater Fish
Eating a single serving of freshwater fish can be the equivalent of drinking water with high levels of PFAS for a month.
Facing Racism and Dire Mismanagement, Alabamans Got Their Water Board Removed
An expert has been appointed to take over Prichard's embattled water board after it defaulted on a $55 million loan.
Arizona Evicts a Saudi Alfalfa Farm, But the Thirsty Crop Isn’t Going Anywhere
Water-guzzling alfalfa farms pose a growing threat to Arizona's future as water resources dwindle.
Exposure to Contaminated Drinking Water Is Undercounted by EPA, New Study Finds
Regulators aren’t adequately accounting for how extensively vulnerable communities are exposed to contaminated water.
19 States Cut Income Taxes to Benefit Wealthy — With Help of Dark Money Groups
According to the states’ own estimates, the revenue hit could be more than $10 billion in fiscal years 2023 and 2024.
Native Hawaiians Are Resisting Land and Water Grabs After Maui Wildfires
"Plantation disaster capitalism is, unfortunately, the perfect term for what’s going on,” says Kapuaʻala Sproat.
As US Begins Crackdown on PFAS, Indigenous Communities Are Getting Left Behind
Tribal water systems have gone largely untested because many are too small to meet the EPA’s PFAS testing parameters.