
The Emerging “Drone” Culture
The age of the drones has arrived. It's not possible to uninvent these Orwellian devices, but we can — and must — restrain their use.

In War, the Truth Dies First: The Tremseh “Massacre” and Syria’s Fate
Syria The next alleged massacre by Syrian government troops is being reported. An intervention will be seen as the only answer.

Hiding America’s Recent History
so much money is invested in covert media operations that spin and distort reality that the people inside the u201cdeception machineu201d believe the news that they themselves plant and …

Blair, War, Olympic Deals and a Glimpse of Another Britain
Today, 4.8 million victims of Agent Orange are children, all of them shockingly deformed.

The Military Solution: The Lessons Washington Can’t Draw From the Failure of the Military Option
Americans may feel more distant from war than at any time since World War II began.

Remembering the Violence and Elitism Behind US Independence
It's possible that the space of 236 years and a truckload of fireworks are obscuring our view of the fact that we've become the redcoats.

Afghanistan’s Corrupt Oligarchy
The brothers of Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan's incompetent, impossibly vain, and dishonest president, have amassed astonishing fortunes.

From Agent Orange to “Kill Lists”: “Brilliant” Psy-Ops Become the News
On 28 May, President Obama launched a campaign to falsify the history of the war in Vietnam.

What Happens When You Talk to the Public About Drones
The purpose of the 2012 Know Drones Tour is to do sidewalk public education, working with other groups to help generate a citizens movement to stop US drone attacks …

Drone Kill List: Not News?
Depite the gravity of the issue, even the NYT can't make drone kill lists a media issue.