United Nations
Are Thawed Relations with Iran Obama’s Saving Grace?
After failing to garner support on a military strike on Syria, President Obama hinted at reconciliation with Iran at the UN General Assembly.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: President Obama Addresses the UN About Syria and the Middle East, and More
On Tuesday, President Obama addressed the United Nations about Syria and ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.
Without Privacy There Can Be No Democracy
The president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, spoke this morning at the United Nations and delivered a powerful indictment of spying by the NSA on behalf of the United States.
US Nuclear Policy: Where’s Our Credibility?
The insensitive timing, indeed the provocation of these tests, is remarkable.
Killers Roam Free in Nepal
Despite the subsequent abolition of monarchy, there is a general feeling that the succeeding elected governments were as dictatorial as the royal regime.
Native American Tribes Seek Help from UN, World Court
A group of indigenous peoples from the US and Canada joined in a “Unity Ride” to the UN to plead for their sacred sites and their way of life …
The New Goliath
Whatever Congress decides to do about bombing Syria, the United States is still trapped by a historic contradiction of its own invention.
Eight Arguments Against Going to War With Syria
US military action against Syria would be illegal, strategically counterproductive, destructive and deeply unpopular.
Response to Syria a Duplicitous Affair
Caution about war against Syria is more than warranted by knowledge of the history of US interventions in other countries' domestic quarrels.
How Intelligence Was Twisted to Support an Attack on Syria
Gareth Porter: The intelligence summary on the alleged Syrian nerve gas attacks shows signs of deception.