Western Media Turn Blind Eye to Shameful Vote at UN on Nazism by US, Canada and Europe
The US, Canada and Ukraine voted against a UN resolution committing to combatting racism.
More Obfuscation in Latest UN Report on the Human Rights Situation in Ukraine
Throughout the course of the war, the Poroshenko government and its police and judicial forces have enacted one draconian measure after another against civil and political freedoms.
The Games People Play: One Year After the Rise of the Maidan Movement in Ukraine
A Ukrainian commentator looks back on a protest movement ultimately dominated by right-wing nationalism.
Parliament Election in Ukraine Confirms Right-Wing Government and Its Civil War Course
The recent elections in Ukraine confirmed right extremists in power positions.
Mainstream News Coverage of Ukraine, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Shows Western Propaganda Machine at Work
Media analyst Edward S. Herman, co-author of “Manufacturing Consent,” discusses propaganda in mainstream media coverage of the events in Ukraine.
Can We Talk? So Far With Ukraine, the Answer Is No
Ukraine is under a “leaky” cease-fire as of last week, but the underlying problems will go unresolved until the US, EU and Russia stop talking past each other.
Ukraine Conflict: Red Meat for Anemic NATO Alliance
As Ukraine was talking peace with its pro-Russian rebels, NATO leaders were talking war with Russia.
Defeat of Ukraine Army Brings Cease-Fire, but Underlying Political Conflicts Unresolved
The cease-fire in Ukraine is good news, as is the resistance to both war and austerity. But winter is coming and many uncertainties remain.
Liar in a Tan Suit
According to Obama the loss of life and destruction of property in Ukraine is all Russian president Putin's fault.
NATO Should Be Retired, Not Repurposed!
In this speech delivered at the NATO Counter Summit in Wales, peace activist Joseph Gerson decries NATO's role in the Ukraine conflict and the nuclear dangers it poses, and …