Southern Cities Are Passing Paid Sick Leave, but Republicans Aren’t Allowing It
Texas advocates for paid sick leave haven’t given up hope.
Wage Theft Escalates After Hurricane Harvey
Texas failed to implement the most basic defenses against wage theft after Hurricane Harvey.
A Mass Grave of Prison Laborers in Texas Should Be Respected, Not Paved Over
Black history needs to be protected.
Fracking Wastewater Spikes 1,440 Percent in Half Decade
Fracking is using more water and generating more toxic wastewater than it is producing oil or gas.
With Supreme Court’s Capitulation to Hate, Trump’s Stranglehold on Government Tightens
The court’s decision on Trump’s “travel ban” was not alone in its shame this week.
Abusive Employers Are Threatening to Call Immigration Authorities on Domestic Workers
Some hope Texas will be next in the fight for domestic workers' rights.
Residents on Both Sides of the Border Try to Help Asylum Seekers Illegally Turned Away by US Government
Renée Feltz reports from the border.
Is the FBI Profiling Students to Interview Without Parental Consent?
Underage Muslim students were singled out and questioned.
Texas Students Issued Arrest Warrants After Sit-In Against Racism on Campus
It's an attempt to gag future activism, students say.
Survivor-Centered Tribunals Find ICE Guilty of Abuses, Push for Agency’s Abolition
Survivors' truth-commission-style testimonies loudly proclaim a path forward: abolition.