Records Show Donald Trump May Have Avoided Taxes for 18 Years
Trump's campaign has not challenged the authenticity of the leaked tax documents.
A Trump Presidency Could End Press Freedom, Say Reporters Threatened for Reporting on His Taxes
Donald Trump has threatened to sue The New York Times for publishing leaked pages from his tax returns.
These Three Issues Prove Our Movements Are Way Ahead of Clinton and Trump
Activists are too busy building a better world from the ground up to heed the grand plans of presidential hopefuls.
It’s Time to Replace the Estate Tax With a Progressive Inheritance Tax
Gross concentrations of wealth, especially the inherited kind, are the death of democratic societies.
The Surreal Politics of a Billionaire’s Tax Loophole
Why are private equity titans giving all their campaign money to Clinton?
Notorious For-Profit College Shutters, Blames Administration
Private college giant ITT Tech has become the latest higher education profiteer to buckle under federal investigations into alleged wrongdoing.
Reagan Sold Your Future, Trump Will Too
White working-class voters should think twice before electing another flag-waving, immigrant-bashing, billionaire-enriching politician.
Close the Wall Street CEO Bonus Loophole
A taxpayer-funded system of twisted rewards is propping up the same reckless pay system that caused one crash — and could cause more.
A Call for Equitable Development
In Baltimore, activists are urging city officials to move beyond “tax increment financing” that privileges billionaires at public expense.
Bus Drivers Shouldn’t Pay More Taxes Than Millionaires
Today, the carried interest loophole is just another carve-out for banksters.