
After Civilian Deaths, Human Rights Watch Says US Strikes on Syria May Violate Laws of War
As US strikes on Syria expand, Human Rights Watch says a bombing last week on the town of Idlib should be investigated for possible violations of the laws of …

The United States’ New War in the Middle East
As Congress skipped town and avoided a vote on war, President Obama announced this week that the US was taking the lead in bombing jihadists in Iraq and Syria.

Syria’s White Helmets – the Most Dangerous Job In the World
The Syria Civil Defense began as a collective of ordinary civilians - once tailors, teachers and construction workers before the uprising began - responding to local bombings, attempting to …

Five Arrested at White House in Antiwar Protest
A few dozen proponents of nonviolence demonstrated in front of the White House the morning after US-led airstrikes on targets in Syria.

Another War, Another Evil: Haven’t We Learned That the Devil Cannot Be Slain?
The public is sold the idea of the need for violence to cure the world's ills, despite our responsibility for creating those ills.

Turkish-Syrian Border a “Great Hole” in Obama’s UN Speech
Vijay Prashad says Obama's comments on enforcing international norms have no credibility with most people around the world and are aimed at appeasing liberal unease.

Syrians in the Golan Heights Stuck Between Sectarian War and Unjust Occupation
Syrians in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights hear the constant shelling of the civil war that divides their community while living through the decades-old Israeli occupation that dominates daily life.

What Role Is Turkey Playing in the War Against ISIS?
The U.S. has begun its bombing campaign in Syria, ostensibly against the Islamic State, only a year after a failed effort by President Obama to initiate a bombing campaign …

Airstrikes Begin in Syria: A Decisive Blow or an Ominous Precedent?
The Obama administration has just announced that they and their coalition allies have begun a fierce campaign in Syria.

Expanding US Strikes to ISIS in Syria, Has Obama Opened New Phase of “Perpetual War”?
The United States has launched airstrikes in Syria targeting the Islamic State, as well as members of a separate militant organization known as the Khorasan group.