
Human Slaughterhouse: Amnesty International Says Up to 13,000 Hanged at Syrian Prison
Amnesty International has released a shocking report.

“It’s Like Torture”: As Legal Fight Continues, Families Are Split by Trump’s Muslim Ban
Many detained by the Muslim ban were also denied access to a lawyer and threatened if they tried to use their cell phones.

With Muslim Ban, Trump and Bannon Wanted Chaos, but Not Resistance
What the Trump White House had not counted on was the overwhelming resistance organized in opposition to this executive order on Saturday.

Refugee Chaos: Trump Has “Turned the Rules Upside Down“
Trump's order has shattered the plans of refugee families who have waited two decades to settle in the US.

Mayors and Activists Revolt Against Trump’s “Muslim Ban” Executive Order
Muslim groups and immigration activists across the US are coordinating mass protests against Trump's Muslim ban.

William Rivers Pitt | What Will You Do With 2017?
When you realize that you are actually capable of helping, your capacity to help will grow exponentially.

A Year of US Militarism
US militarism was on full display in 2016 with a continued “war on terror” and bombing in at least five countries.

Hanukkah, Syria and the Perils of Empire
The history behind the Hanukkah story holds lessons for the contemporary tragic situation in Syria.

The Impossible Revolution: A Syrian Dissident on How a Fight Against a Dictator Became a Proxy War
In Syria, the evacuation of rebels and civilians from eastern Aleppo have resumed.

The Counterrevolution Crushes Aleppo
The Syrian regime and its Russian ally are in the last barbaric stages of an onslaught against Aleppo.