
Living the Orwellian Life
America has a tradition of spying on its own, something George Orwell predicted long ago in his novel 1984.

Star Trek and the NSA
In which the head of the NSA is found to have more in common with the Borg than with Captain Jean-Luc Picard.

Old Game, New Obsession, New Enemy: Now it’s China
More than jihadism or Iran, China is now Washington's obsession in Africa and beyond.

The Etiquette of War and Surveillance: Letters to Colonel Manners (Ret.)
Colonel Manners (ret.) answers letters from Americans puzzled by the etiquette, manners and language of the arcane national security world of Washington.

How a Telecom Helped the Government Spy on Me
What happened next says a lot about what happens when the governmentu2019s privacy protections collide with the day-to-day realities of global surveillance.

What You Don’t Know About The NSA Spying Scandal
Are we living in a time of inverted totalitarianism?

Obama’s Justice Department: Trumpeting a New Victory in War on Freedom of the Press
Thereu2019s something profoundly despicable about a Justice Department that would brazenly violate the First and Fourth Amendments while spying on journalists.

Without Privacy There Can Be No Democracy
The president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, spoke this morning at the United Nations and delivered a powerful indictment of spying by the NSA on behalf of the United States.

Path to Autocracy: Could America Become a Police State?
Security lobbyists, the media and the government itself continue to stoke public fears of another attack on ‘the homeland.’

The Coming Domestic Drone Wars
State lawmakers across the U.S. are introducing legislation that would restrict the use of unmanned drones.