
It’s Not a Family and Those Aren’t Jewels
Prados' book recounts various CIA abuses from the 1970s through today, with chapters on domestic surveillance, detention and interrogation, and assassination.

Americans’ Personal Data Shared With CIA, IRS, Others in Security Probe
US agencies collected and shared the personal information of thousands of Americans in an attempt to root out untrustworthy federal workers that ended up scrutinizing people who had no …

How Can the States Provide Fourth Amendment Protection Against the NSA?
States have the authority to defy federal NSA surveillance policy, based on anticommandeering doctrine, and are being urged to do so by the civil liberties community.

Freedom of Speech in the Digital Age
In honor of the 10th anniversary of Free Press, Michael Winship sat down with journalist and author Craig Aaron, who in 2011 became the organization's president and CEO.

Mistaking Omniscience for Omnipotence: A World Without Privacy
Given how similar they sound and how easy it is to imagine one leading to the other, confusing omniscience (having total knowledge) with omnipotence (having total power) is easy …

Big Brother’s Loyal Sister: How Dianne Feinstein Is Betraying Civil Liberties
Ever since the first big revelations about the National Security Agency five months ago, Dianne Feinstein has been in overdrive to defend the surveillance state.

WikiLeaks’ “Mediastan”; The True Fifth Estate Bringing the First Amendment to the World
The WikiLeaks documentary ‘Mediastan’ is a perfect antidote to Disney's propaganda turkey, ‘The Fifth Estate.’

New “Freedom Act” Would Curtail the Patriot Act
Two congressmen who were involved in the passage of the Patriot Act have introduced a bill that would rein in secret surveillance of Americans.

Governing in the Dark
The NSA scandal isn't going away, and each leak tears a bigger hole in our current governing structure.

“These Drones Attack Us and the Whole World Is Silent”: New Film Exposes Secret US War
DN! airs extended clips from the new documentary, “Unmanned: America's Drone Wars,” and speak to filmmaker Robert Greenwald.