
The Government-Corporate Complex: Surveillance for the Money
Had the NSA developed the in-house and inexpensive Thin Thread program instead of alternatives dictated by financial interests, September 11 might have been foiled and the Fourth Amendment still …

Michael Ratner: Twitter Storm Between WikiLeaks and Glenn Greenwald
WikiLeaks promises to name the fifth country where MYSTIC mega data collection program is applied.

House Passes Watered-Down NSA Reform Bill
The bill, introduced by Rep. James Sensenbrenner, was modified in the House Judiciary Committee to remove some of the civil liberties protections in the original bill, but it retained …

The Powerful Forces Shredding Our Constitution: Preface to “The Rise of the American Corporate Security State”
No foreign terrorist shredded the Constitution, nor did we, as citizens, bankrupt the nation.

The Rise of the American Corporate Security State
Daniel Ellsberg writes of The Rise of the American Corporate Security State: "Edwards is an extraordinary writer who brilliantly captures the essence of what whistleblowers such as Snowden have …

Debating Snowden, the New York Times and Palestinian Brass Knuckles
FAIR's Peter Hart discusses the mainstream media's debate on Edward Snowden, how activists had to pressure New York Times editors to issue a correction about Palestinian Brass Knuckles, and …

Once Searched, Forever Seized: Why Cell Phone Searches Need a Warrant
An exception in the Fourth Amendment has given police free rein to seize and search the devices that store our calls, text messages, e-mails, and troves of other personal …

Six Reasons to Be Afraid of the Private Sector/Government Security State
Once corporations have legal immunity for cooperation with intelligence agencies, reclaiming rights that have been secretly annulled will be much more difficult, says author Beatrice Edwards.

“The Stuff I Saw Really Began to Disturb Me”: How the US Drone War Pushed Snowden to Leak NSA Docs
Greenwald describes the inside story of the man behind the NSA leaks.

Glenn Greenwald’s New Book: No Place to Hide
In “No Place to Hide,” Glenn Greenwald makes a persuasive case that we are all subject to the forces of surveillance.