
How Social Media Policing and Online Vigilantism May Increase Wrongful Convictions
Turning countless people into unofficial, online police informants threatens to increase vigilantism and wrongful convictions.

How the FBI Polices Dissent and Why It Matters in the Encryption Debate
Privacy is fundamental to free expression, and the FBI has a long history of chilling speech and policing dissent.

The Surveillance of Blackness: From the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade to Contemporary Surveillance Technologies
Author Simone Browne discusses how the rise of surveillance technologies can be traced back to the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

Rights Lab: Where Can I Fly My Drone?
Smartphones revolutionized people's access to cameras; could drones do the same for air space?

How the Powers That Be Maintain the “Deep State”: An Interview With Mike Lofgren
Author Mike Lofgren describes how elements of the US government and financial and industry elites maintain power.

Apple vs. the FBI: Inside the Battle Snowden Calls “the Most Important Tech Case in a Decade”
A major debate over privacy and online encryption has erupted after the computer giant Apple announced it will resist a court order to help the FBI break into an …

Will New York Ban Smartphones With Security Protections?
Privacy advocates say unencrypted smartphones leave personal data vulnerable to both police and criminal hackers.

Gangbusters: How the Upsurge in Anti-Gang Tactics Will Hurt Communities of Color
Are gang raids and so-called “community” policing efforts really decreasing violence in US cities?

Rights Lab: Can the Government Spy on My Phone?
Who are Stingrays used on - and is it legal?

Encryption vs. Surveillance in the New Civil Rights Movement
Don't be fooled by law enforcement and intelligence authorities. Spying on civil rights protesters won't thwart terrorists.