Social Security
Sanders Team Hits Back After Biden Claims Social Security Video Was “Doctored”
Sanders's campaign rebutted the claims, citing Biden's public record of seeking cuts to Social Security.
Trump Administration Proposes Death-Dealing Rule Change for Disability Benefits
Adding bureaucratic hurdles could discourage many from receiving social security benefits that they need to survive.
Trump Proposal Would Slash Disability Benefits for Hundreds of Thousands
The administration is attempting to add complexity to a review process already aimed at slashing benefits.
2020 Budget Proposal Would Underfund Health, Job Training, Education Programs
The Senate Appropriations Committee is proposing up to $2.7 billion in cuts to labor, health and education programs.
Senate Bill Would Cut Social Security Operations Again
Years of cuts to the Social Security Administration's operating budget have taken their toll.
Warren’s Social Security Reform Is Not as Ambitious as Sanders’s
Sanders demands that billionaires pay more while Warren politely asks them to contribute a fair share.
Aging Isn’t the Problem. Ageism Is.
What will it take for the U.S.'s elders to age with dignity? Activists discuss their work to combat ageism.
Trump Considering Slashing Medicare and Social Security as “Second-Term Project”
During his 2016 campaign, Trump vowed not to touch Social Security or Medicare if he became president.
The “Aging Crisis” Is Actually Just a Labor Crisis for the Wealthy
A smaller labor market means fewer people willing to take on low-paying jobs.
The Financial Industry Preys on 401(k) Fees. It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way.
Without change, we can expect a serious decline in retiree living standards.