Social Security
Trumping the Federal Debt Without Playing the Default Card
How can the US remain strong with very little debt, without defaulting on Social Security, Medicare or the federal debt itself?
Social Security Still Strong at 80
Social Security is one of the most popular and successful government programs in US history.
Dean Baker | Social Security Trustees’ Report Lacks the Usual Panic
There was a modest improvement in the program's finances.
Salvatore Babones: Problem With Social Security Is Getting Rich to Pay Fair Share
Eric Poulin interviews the Truthout reporter about his new book, “Sixteen for '16: A Progressive Agenda for a Better America.”
The State(s) of the Affordable Care Act
In some states, only extremely poor parents and children are eligible for Medicaid, leaving large numbers of people who unable to access health care.
Kansas Could Lose Millions for Limiting Welfare Recipients to $25 at ATMs
The first-of-its-kind provision might violate federal law.
Pushing Left: A 16-Priority Agenda for the 2016 US Presidential Election
Here's what sociologist Salvatore Babones suggests 2016 presidential contenders campaign about.
Redacted Tonight on House of Cards
House of Cards presents a hidden agenda against social security.
Redacted Tonight on House of Cards
House of Cards presents a hidden agenda against social security.
Without Social Security, Income Inequality Would Be Even Worse for Seniors
“Social Security Works!” argues that expanding, rather than cutting, Social Security will benefit individual people and the US as a whole.