Social Security
Violent Protests and Government Response Leave Over 30 Dead in Nicaragua
Nicaragua's social security system is facing a budget shortfall.
With Tax Scam Complete, GOP Caucus Unveils Budget Blueprint to Attack Safety Net
In this plan, programs like Social Security and Medicare are gutted while tax cuts are permanent.
The GOP’s Tax Cut Bonanza Is a Major Attack on Medicare
Paul Ryan and Mick Mulvaney can't be trusted to protect our Medicare benefits.
Social Security: Still the Most Efficient Way to Provide Retirement Income
The program has stood the test of time well.
William Rivers Pitt | The GOP Wrecking Machine Takes Aim at the Debt Ceiling, Again
The song, as Led Zeppelin says, remains the same.
Everyone Deserves Care: Insisting on Compassion in the Face of Congressional Cruelty
The best measure of a society is its compassion, and our tax dollars should reflect that.
Building People Power in Trump Country: West Virginia Coalitions Fight GOP Health Care Attacks
Organizer Gary Zuckett discusses building coalitions in West Virginia to fight regressive GOP policies in 2017 and beyond.
Keeping Up the Pressure: Using Town Halls to Fight Trumpcare and Demand Single-Payer
Town halls are a good way of reminding lawmakers that voters in 2018 will remember incumbents' votes on health care.
Extreme Capitalism and the Case for a Guaranteed Income
A guaranteed income would improve health and education outcomes in the US, says author Paul Buchheit.
With Medicaid and Health Care Under Attack, Home Care for the Aging Faces Crisis
Community-based aging programs are making progress, but Trump and Republicans may soon gut funding for critical senior care.