
The Senate’s Sickening Health Care Fiasco
The health care crisis will persist despite the collapse of the Republicans' anti-Obamacare crusade.

How Civil Disobedience Helped Kill Trumpcare — at Least for Now
The tireless activists who have been engaging in direct action deserve credit for killing the latest round of Trumpcare.

“This Is Not the Time to Sit Back”: Protesters Launch Last-Ditch Effort to Save the ACA
We must dial up the pressure on the Senate now to save the ACA and Medicaid from cuts or dismantling.

William Rivers Pitt | No Hero Here: John McCain and the Doom of Empathy
A senator with a terrible illness and excellent insurance voted to put health care for millions in peril.

Health Care Debate Should Also Focus on the Thousands of Jobs in Indian Country
The House and Senate plans to roll back Obamacare — and destroy Medicaid — will impact the Indian health system.

Repeal and Destroy

Senate Health Bill Would Kill Essential Home Care Jobs
The legislation would devastate a fast-growing workforce and the millions of elderly and disabled Americans who rely on home care services.

Senate GOP Health Care Bill Estimated to Kill 28,600 More in US Each Year and Drop 22 Million From Insurance
Twenty-two million Americans would lose their health insurance under the Senate Republicans' health care bill over the next decade.

William Rivers Pitt | Ruthless, Soulless, Vicious: Three Reasons the Senate GOP’s ACA Replacement Is a Disgrace
After a careful read, it's clear: The “Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017” must be cast out like the bag of dung it is.

Disabled Protesters Just Showed Senate Democrats How It’s Done
Where was the Democratic “Resistance” when disabled protesters were being dragged out of their wheelchairs?