Family of Mexican Teenager Slain by Border Agent Awaits SCOTUS Ruling
Is a Mexican citizen killed on Mexican soil by a U.S. border agent protected by the U.S. Constitution?
SCOTUS Hands GOP Gerrymandering Victory, Ensuring “Massive Election Rigging”
The Supreme Court decision is a GOP victory that allows extreme partisan gerrymandering to continue.
Right-Wing Supreme Court Gives Green Light to Partisan Gerrymandering
The ruling was 5-4 along party lines, with conservative Chief Justice John Roberts writing the majority opinion.
Kavanaugh’s Presence at SOTU Represented Failure of US Democracy
Ana María Archila made headlines when she confronted Sen. Jeff Flake over his support for Kavanaugh's nomination.
Conservative Lawsuit Against Harvard Could End Affirmative Action
Racial inequality in education persists, despite conservative arguments to the contrary.
Supreme Court Shields Wilbur Ross From Testifying Under Oath About His Perjury
Is protecting Ross from testifying a sign of things to come from a court now firmly on the right?
How Guantánamo Set the Stage for the Kavanaugh Hearings
Kavanaugh's confirmation continued the undermining of justice that began with Guantánamo.
Trump’s Best Court Ever
The Supreme Court is now just a rubber stamp for the White House.
Supreme Court Silver Lining
Looking on the bright side of Brett.
After the Confirmation of Kavanaugh, Women Will Continue to Resist
Activists Soraya Chemaly and Medea Benjamin discuss more.