Renewable Energy
Obama Takes a Walk on the Greener Side
As Nevada short-circuits its solar boom, the White House gets more committed to renewable energy.
A Green and Dirty Gift
The GOP-led Congress rushed to help the Obama administration meet US commitments under the Paris climate deal.
Nuclear Power Is on the Wane, Despite Efforts of High-Profile Boosters
Regardless of what officials may say about nuclear energy's expansion potential, it's on its way out.
A New World Beckons: The Future Belongs to Renewables
The primary thrust of new policies, new investment, and new technology will be in the advancement of renewables.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Climate Change Could Push Millions More Into Extreme Poverty, and More
If we don't strengthen our fight against climate change, 100 million more people may be pushed into extreme poverty within the next 15 years.
On Climate Change, the US Needs to Generate More Than Energy
Renewables are expensive only if government policies make them so.
As State Politicians Resist Obama’s Climate Plan, West Virginians Build Renewables Anyway
So far, the state isn't stepping up to build a solar-powered future. That leaves the bulk of the work to residents.
How the World Bank Undermines Climate Change Efforts
The World Bank is undermining the cause it purports to champion.
Honduran Fishing Village Says “Adios” to Candles and Dirty Energy
A small fishing village on the Caribbean coast of Honduras has become an example to be followed in renewable energies.
The Clean Power Checkerboard
Following the announcement of the Clean Power Plan, it's time for an all-out sustainable energy mobilization at the state level.