“We Should Be Protecting Children”: Rep. Gutierrez Supports Funds for Humanitarian Crisis at Border
President Obama has called for close to $3.7 billion to address the humanitarian crisis unfolding at the US-Mexico border where more than 52,000 unaccompanied children have been detained since …
Security, Refugees and Profit at the US Border
As record numbers of child migrants from Central America arrive at the US-Mexico border, journalist Todd Miller says the crisis should be a treated as a refugee issue, not …
Today’s “Righteous” Defenders of Refugees in Germany
The real fear is of human solidarity.
The New York Times: Everybody Who’s Anybody Wants to Bomb Syria
Why would the Obama administration want to get the United States more deeply involved militarily in Syria? Didn't US public opinion decisively reject this last fall?
Tears of Yarmouk: The Palestinian Lesson that Every Syrian Should Know
In the early days of the Syrian uprising-turned civil war three years ago, the writing on the wall of it becoming an intricate regional and international conflict was there …
The EU Presidency and the Bottom of the Aegean Sea
While there is a growing ideological intimacy between centrist-right and extreme-right parties throughout Europe, the brutal treatment of migrants has been particularly egregious of late in Greece.
Violence in Fallujah: Poisoned Fruit of US Occupation?
Contrary to conventional wisdom, US actions in Fallujah during - and even before - the Iraq War probably played a role in bringing the latest eruption of violence to …
Refugees Struggle in Ruined Camp
As the Syrian war intensifies sectarian clashes in Lebanonu2019s northern coastal city Tripoli, Palestinians in the area worriedly watch the violence from the sidelines.
Hundreds of Sindhi-Hindus Protest on Jantar Mantar Delhi Against Victimization of Hindus in Pakistan
The protesters demanded the recognition of either their refugee status or citizenship in India.
‘I Sold My Sister for 300 Dollars’
Palestinian refugees reduces to immense poverty are forced to sell young family members into arranged marriages for money.